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Showing posts with the label Trade

WTO and Okonjo-Iweala: Is the US the enemy of Nigeria?

 On US' refusal to support Nigeria's Okonjo-Iweala as WTO DG Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala The news that our daughter, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has been appointed the DG of the World Trade Organisation was received with much joy and jubilation by many, especially, Nigerians. While our jubilation and congratulatory messages filled the air and the social media space, a sudden twist came, namely, that the US has refused to throw their weight on Iweala's appointment. As a consequence, many Nigerians got filled with rage against the US, dubbed them evil, arrogant, selfish and stupid. Some even went as far as insulting fellow Nigerians who support Trump's second term bid.  Unfortunately, a bitter truth some of us have failed to realise is that this life which many say, "no balance" is largely about interest. Just as in politics, 'interest rules'. You go for the individual or party that represents your interest, beliefs and/or convictions; an individual or party that ca...

PR Pros Preparing Ahead of AfCFTA at Tanzania Confab

The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) between member states aims at creating a single continental market for goods and services as well as customs union with the free movement of capital and persons.  Key Theme for Tanzania 2020: ‘One Africa! March To Economic Integration & The Role of Public Relations’ Signed in Kigali, Rwanda March 2018 and entered into force on the 30th of May, 2019, AfCFTA becomes the largest free trade agreement in terms of participating countries since the establishment of World Trade Organisation (WTO). 54 out of the 55 African States have signed this agreement to promote economic diversification, structural transformation, technology development and job creation.  If successfully implemented, the AfCFTA has the potential to redress some of the key challenges the continent is facing.  With a projection of generating a combined consumer and business spending of 6.7 trillion dollars by 2030, public re...