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Showing posts with the label Behaviour


The Mind of an Introvert After reading this piece by Nicole on PR Daily, I couldn't help but give her thumbs up for interpreting me and many PR pros I know. There's nothing like a quiet environment for a true PR pro and I haven't met an extrovert PR practitioner yet. I've been meaning to post on social media (and now I will) that I can't be a successful PR professional and be a 'showster', triggered only when you're on stage and in before the camera; your place is perpetually backstage. I learnt that by personal experience. What triggers performance for me is between the drawing board and the execution stage, boundaries inclusive. I delight in planning on my own, asking for inputs from others next, rehearsing on my own, rehearsing with the team, allocating tasks and then supervising performance . It's played out most in the PR events, music concerts and others that I've planned and managed. Trust me, once more, there is nothing to the PR p...