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Showing posts with the label Blogging

How The Right Content Marketing Helps your PR Strategy

  PR and content marketing have one main thing in common: They help your company get in front of your target audience to tell stories that drive credibility and awareness. PR & Content Marketing Naturally, the two business functions can—and should—have a symbiotic relationship. Good content can fuel PR opportunities on its own, and you’ve probably already got a lot of good content. But if you want to get as much mileage out of your content as possible, you’ll also need to work your content assets into your media outreach. Here are four ways to make your content power PR wins: 1. Use blogs as proof of thought leadership. The definition of “thought leadership” has gotten muddled by overuse. Thought leadership is just expertise: insightful analysis, predictions and commentary informed by years of experience. Strong thought leadership is vital to a successful PR program. That’s because reporters are always on the hunt for expert sources. The easiest path? Maintain a blog. A thought...