FULL TEXT OF PRESIDENT BUHARI'S 2016 BUDGET ADDRESS FULL TEXT OF PRESIDENT BUHARI'S 2016 BUDGET ADDRESS PROTOCOLS I am honoured and privileged to present the 2016 Budget proposal. This is my first address before this joint session of the National Assembly. I have come here today, not only to address members of the National Assembly, but also to speak directly to the men and women who placed us here. 2. I know the state of our economy is a source of concern for many. This has been further worsened by the unbridled corruption and security challenges we have faced in the last few years. From those who have lost their jobs, to those young people who have never had a job, to the people in the North East whose families and businesses were destroyed by insurgents, this has been a difficult period in our nation’s history, lessons that we must not forget or ignore, as we plan for the future. 3. By June 2014, oil prices averaged $112 per barrel. But as ...
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