A young Muslim American couple, living the good life, husband earning nearly $6000 per month, enjoying a dream work environment and not known to have been in any altercations; suddenly storm a Christmas party at husband’s office armed for war. They gun down 14 and injure 21 leaving bombs planted everywhere to blow up expected multitude of first rescuers and survivors. Then they engage the police in a fierce gun battle ending up killed. All signs point to religious extremism, but America’s leaders tend to drag feet to conclusions . If this is not a terrorist act, it must be a flamboyant version of America’s new way to die: ‘Suicide by a cop’. The concept, according to an ex-convict, speaking to a CBN TV interviewer on Friday December 4 th , has become fashionable to some disoriented suicidal Americans. And why not, seeing the popular rise in American police brutality? Even though Tashfeen Malik and Syed Farook were not disoriented, they definitely were suicidal – and in a ...
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