In a previous article, we listed tips to help you use Google search accurately. Please click here to view the article. Below is a continuation of that article on how to use Google search accurately. FINDING SPECIFIC FILE FORMATS A lot of files have been uploaded online in order to aid in-depth research work. You can find files like PDF on particular topics through Google. How to do this; type the word you are researching on and add filetype:pdf. This will bring out various pdfs on that topic. For example Food & Nutrition filetype:pdf. This does not only apply to PDFs, but other file types too like DOC, MP3, MP4 etc. TO FIND SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLES When trying to find a particular organization, product, or individual’s page handle on social media through Google, type the name and add the ‘@’ symbol. For example; Jabborro@twitter will bring out this organization’s twitter page, same goes for Coca-cola@instagram and many more. It is simple and q...
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