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Showing posts with the label Professional

Three Public Relations Tips to Lift Women to the Top

Even though we live in a time where women are increasingly dominating in the workplace, and the gender pay gap is shrinking in some industries, women are still lagging in management. You’ll hear chauvinists say women don’t assert themselves or aren’t aggressive enough. As a future public relations professional, and as a woman, these proclamations are disheartening. source; We are the city The fact of the matter is that having women in management roles only benefits an organization.  There are studies which prove that businesses with women in senior management roles make more money. I recently attended the PRSSA Regional Conference at Utah Valley University, yearning to hear from other women. I wanted to know how they got to the top — and how I can get there too. Here are my top three tips: 1. “Be confident.” Jill Chappell, CNN Senior Editorial Producer, The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer Think about the first episode of “Scandal” when Olivia Pope’s phone rings as...


- How the Yorubas Stay Far Ahead of Us - What you gain with Certifications Added to your degree "I told my brother, keep your PhD aside; go for certifications. That is what develops your capacity; that is what qualifies you to speak at conferences around the world. I have a friend who acquired several certifications here in Nigeria. He got a job from here and today he's become a citizen of UK and Canada, getting jobs using just his certifications. Whatever you do, get certifications. This is one of the ways the Westerners overtake us. They accumulate certifications long after their degrees, and they travel everywhere because of their capacity."  – Rt. Hon Sam Ikon (paraphrased), member representing Etinan Federal Constituency at the House of Representatives, Abuja, April 11, 2017, at his home while interacting with few supporters and friends.  Apparently, the parliamentarian does believe in strategic professional 'educationing'. Himself, he h...


There is a plan by professional bodies to strengthen their practices in Nigeria as is done around the world. the Nigeria Society of Engineers NSE strongly demand that nobody answers 'Engineer' without their licence.  Most government officials are easy targets for defaulting, and they may soon be prosecuted and their governments humiliated for hiring what the professionals call 'quacks'.  The NIA has released a circular for architects. After their coming AGM at Kwara, NIPR will most likely begin their own campaign against quackery.  Media aides, appointees of various arms of government and employees of organisations acting in the PR or Communications departments, who are not certified by the constitutional authorizing bodies, may be embarrassed soon, and even remedial measures by their political employers will not totally repair damage done.  Recommendation:  If you’re not YET chartered, and you have practiced PR for up to 5 years, please de...


The Mind of an Introvert After reading this piece by Nicole on PR Daily, I couldn't help but give her thumbs up for interpreting me and many PR pros I know. There's nothing like a quiet environment for a true PR pro and I haven't met an extrovert PR practitioner yet. I've been meaning to post on social media (and now I will) that I can't be a successful PR professional and be a 'showster', triggered only when you're on stage and in before the camera; your place is perpetually backstage. I learnt that by personal experience. What triggers performance for me is between the drawing board and the execution stage, boundaries inclusive. I delight in planning on my own, asking for inputs from others next, rehearsing on my own, rehearsing with the team, allocating tasks and then supervising performance . It's played out most in the PR events, music concerts and others that I've planned and managed. Trust me, once more, there is nothing to the PR p...