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Showing posts with the label Definition

ATTN!!! Int’l PR Association Announces New Definition of Public Relations

The International Public Relations Association wraps its values around a new definition of public relations. After months of exhaustive debate   IPRA , the International Public Relations Association, has created a new definition of PR, fit for the times we live in. Source: Wild west comms The 30-word definition reads: Public relations is a decision-making management practice tasked with building relationships and interests between organisations and their publics based on the delivery of information through trusted and ethical communication methods. For training on PR & digital media, click here! Chair of the group charged with formulating this definition, and IPRA Board member, Alain Grossbard explains; “First we wanted to have a short definition that said:  What is PR?   Why do we do it? And how do we do it?  Then, conscious of our heritage based on the IPRA code, and of a world today imperiled with fake news, we wanted to say something mo...