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Showing posts with the label Akwa Ibom

What are 'Bureaucratic Bottlenecks'? (Watch Video To End)

- What are 'Bureaucratic Bottlenecks'? - Where is Nigeria on the Ease of Doing Business Project? - Why Can't the Nigerian Civil service setup accept technology? The video below shows a 70-step process of simply dunking a basketball. The process comprises what is known as a Rube Goldberg machine - a complex contraption that employs a chain reaction to perform a simple task. If you can survive the video to the end, then you can understand what 'Bureaucratic Bottlenecks' are.  That is the typical example of bureaucratic bottlenecks - the lengthy sequence of required but disposable steps you must go through to get business done in a particular place. It is commonly used in Nigerian corporate scenarios. Ease of doing business has been extremely low in Nigeria for decades.  Where is Nigeria at the Ease-of-Doing-Business Ranking? The overall cost of doing business in Nigeria is too high - a combination of the time-cost, manpower cost and financial cost, unnecessarily exorb...


Well, I try to keep quiet, study reactions, explanations, opinions b4 commenting on a controversial topic. Hence I've been silent on the issue of the AkSG Lodge at Lagos. It is now known that 1.2bn naira, per the HC of Info Charles Udoh, has been 👂-marked for the PROPOSED project. The dilapidated lodge Note: proposed. Meaning, the idea could still be mooted, could still be discarded if further analysis disallows it. Now, God forbid the budgeting of N9bn (or anything close) for a project of that level of priority. And, thank God the N9bn report was fake news. I mean, don't we even notice that, under Udom, we don't get to hear humongous sums mentioned against projects in the state as in time past? Could this be why some beneficiaries of past administration are becoming opposition to Udom? Topic for another day... Inside the existing lodge Let's talk about Priority. What we'd all love to have would be: - An Akwa Ibom that p...


Ibom Fashion Week PRESS RELEASE: IBOM FASHION WEEK Unveiled and Set to Hold at Ibom Le’ Meridien Hotels & Golf Resort This October The organizers of the oncoming IBOM FASHION WEEK (IFW), a 3-day fashion and style event, have recently officially unveiled the project with the dates, participants, venue and activities announced. The theme of this year’s edition is tagged ‘Culture meets Style’ and is scheduled to hold from the 14 th to the 16 th of October 2016 within the premises of the Le Meridian Ibom Hotel & Golf Resort, Uyo. This was unveiled to press men at a recently held press chat. According to the organizers, the IBOM FASHION WEEK is a well thought out event poised to put Akwa Ibom State on the fashion map with a 3-day epoch making string of events that will showcase up-to-trend fashion styles on a classic runway. The event provides a platform for young and emerging talents in the fashion industry to showcase their works and build connections with stakehol...


About 200 Akwa Ibom people, who registered with AKEES for Information Technology skill acquisition, have been sponsored to an International ICT institute, APTECH for a short course programme on ICT, set to kick off soon. In a seminar on Saturday May 14 at Ibom Hall in Uyo, hosted by the ICT institute, tagged APTECH CAREER QUEST, to introduce prospective students to APTECH, enlighten them on their educational programmes, benefits of acquiring World-Class schooling on ICT and the scholarship aide policies; the Akwa Ibom Enterprise and Employment Scheme, AKEES announced that all the seminar participants will automatically receive 100% scholarship to attend the APTECH short course. Announcing this, the Coordinator of AKEES, Mr. Ufot Ebong praised the participants who turned up for the Seminar, even as he maintained that there are others who were informed of the event, but failed to attend it, thereby disqualifying them from another opportunity to get world class education for...

The Uyo Side of the Supreme Court Judgment Day

Anxious Crowd, Uyo Why does Akwa Ibom affairs draw so much national attention? What is it about Akwa Ibom State that keeps the entire nation obsessed about the state?   Oil wealth? Is it mere fascination about an exciting people or is it the frustration of having to contend perpetually with a pioneering people? These questions pester the mind when it reflects on how far Akwa Ibom news travels. Things climaxed with the Supreme Court judgment of Wednesday 3 rd February. On this very day, there was action every-literal-where. But in Uyo, it was an explosive th eat re production.  Facebook, Twitter and other social media perhaps held the most of Akwa Ibom and other people’s interests in the lead up to that pronouncement. On Twitter, Akwa Ibom was the trend ascending to the top and trending for nearly 2 days following. Others were #AkwaIbomIsPDP and #IStandWithUdom. Nervousness was palpable on the very streets; you could knock your head on some fre...