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Media Relations Trends To Watch In 2021

  To call 2020 unique would be the understatement of the century. The COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing economic crisis changed how people live and how industries operate. Media and media relations was no exception. 2021 PR trends While some of the latest developments have been brewing for a while in response to the internet revolution, many are the direct result of reactions to the pandemic. Here are 10 developments all media relations pros should track: 1. The click is king . As most print media outlets are now operating online, a story’s importance is now based on how many clicks and shares it gets. Do more clicks and shares mean the story is more relevant? Maybe, maybe not. But it is now how a journalist’s success is measured at most outlets today. 2. Remote interviews are the new norm . Remote interviews for TV and online media outlets have always been done, but were never preferred and usually reserved for important news sources. With social distancing in place, it was now ne...