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Showing posts with the label Linkedin

17 Ways To Post On LinkedIn To Get Noticed

Andrew is a Baby Boomer and Director at a Fortune 500 company that I was working with last week to write his LinkedIn profile when I asked him why he didn’t post on LinkedIn. He was trying to get more attention for himself while looking for a specific kind of job. He has never posted before and needed some guidance on exactly what to put out there. I turned to Hannah Morgan, a guru of job search information. Linkedin Logo Before becoming a job search strategist and facilitator, Morgan of Rochester New York spent time working in HR recruiting were a lot of hiring was going on. She also worked for Lee Hecht Harrison doing outplacement classes and I asked for her advice. I asked why people don’t post and she noted three reasons: #1 they don’t know what to post #2 they worry it’s self-promotion #3 they don’t realize it is important to post and share with their network The easiest thing to do is post about your job, occupation, your company, your industry and sh...