These days, the value and effect of influencers in the Social Media space have become inestimable.
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Influencer Marketing |
These are genius people who have figured out how to turn their special skill sets and hobbies into profitable personal brands are almost everywhere. Blogs, Youtube, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram e.t.c. You name it. These kings and queens of content creation and engagements, have basically made any Social Media platform you can think of their kingdom.
Due to their popularity, it's a no-brainer that brands are always on the lookout for influencers that can easily align the brand's goals with their audience and pull people into the brand’s circle of influence on the platform of a 'transactional relationship'.
Interestingly, despite the large pool of influencer talents available, figuring out what’s going on culturally and then finding that perfect person to cascade your message is not as easy as it seems. Below are a few tips that can aid you in recording success in your next influencer marketing campaign.
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Research your audience; You need to understand your brand’s audience before attempting to craft a campaign. It’s not just about demographics but that nuanced psychographics that turn your “consumers” into real people who happen to have purchase power in your category.
Study your audience's other interests; These people with purchasing power don’t only care about products. They’re interested in the arts, in sports, in politics and so much more. Figure out what excites them, scares them, makes them laugh. And use specifics rather than generalized ideas.
Pick an influencer; After the culture study in the aforementioned point, you can now go ahead and select individuals who can tell these stories for your brand in ways that capture the interest of your desired audience. This influencer may be a YouTuber, a TikTok star, or a strong personality on say Instagram or Twitter.
Craft the story you think you want; Go ahead, make a brief. But keep it short and sweet. Include the necessary information and nothing extra. Again, don’t make your brief longer than needed.
Let influencers do their thing; You chose them for a reason. Likely it’s because they create beautiful content that resonates with their audience. Let them work their magic for your brand.
Pay attention to interactions; There’s so much that can happen after they make that Instagram video or Twitter post. Read. The. Comments. There may be a consumer insight from their followers that inspires you to create a whole new product. If someone shares their own poignant story, you should be on hand to take note and research into that. Maybe when someone DMs the influencer with a photo, you can also ask for rights to post on your social channel. And the right influencer partner is going to be paying attention as well, answering questions and engaging with their followers.
Originally published in Ragan's PR daily as; "Why influencer content creation is a partnership, not a sponsorship"