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Showing posts from May, 2021

Common Grammatical Errors in Writing

Even seasoned writers can slip up on grammatical tenets with ever-tightening deadlines, burdensome workloads, and looming burnout. Here are five to refresh your memory: 1. Parallel construction. These days you can’t swing a dead albatross without hitting this construction: He bought peanuts, Cracker Jack and went to the ballgame. The series is shown to be flawed by removing the first two elements: He bought peanuts, Cracker Jack and went to the ballgame.  He bought went to the ballgame.   Really? Better to recast it: He bought peanuts and Cracker Jack and went to the ballgame. In all likelihood, he opted to root, root, root for the home team, as well. 2. Nominative versus accusative case. Nominative pronouns (I, we, he, she, they) are subjects of verbs; accusative pronouns (me, us, him, her, them) are direct objects of verbs. The latter forms are also used as objects of prepositions. So instead of this: Him and her should contact we and they.  Go with: He a...

SEO: Google's Latest Ranking Factors

Search engines are constantly changing and improving on their algorithms. This means that what worked years decades ago is no longer relevant today. Google search page Google is always giving webmasters hints on how to optimize for SEO. Acting on that advice can instantly improve your rankings in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Here are 12 factors you must consider: 1. Core web vitals Google core web vitals are the latest user-centered ranking factors introduced by Google in 2020. They’re launched to help search robots assess page experience more accurately and improve search usability. These metrics go beyond loading speed and page responsiveness and dig deep into user experience trying to improve how fast a page loads and how soon can users interact with it. Although there are still lots of unanswered questions around Core Web Vitals, one thing is for sure: User-experience is the future of SEO. 2. High-quality content Content quality has always been a top priority to search ...

3 Ways To Communicate Effectively in Today's Noisy World

  When you tap into both brain science and information science, you discover amazing insights about attention spans, cognitive overload and interpersonal communication or lack thereof.  This mix of brain science, psychology and marketing is how you break through the noise.  Source; Tutorials Point There’s a shift from trying to be elegant to trying to be more responsive. Here are three distinct, burgeoning communication modes to help communicate effectively in today's noisy world. 1. In-person, kinetic information sharing.  As more people are vaccinated and begin to congregate, collaborative spaces and in-person meetings become as valued as ever before. This will surely provide a very powerful mix of people and ideas coming together.” 2. Active through technology.  This is where people of all backgrounds and experiences are showing up and not waiting for an invitation. Social platforms allow for real-time conversations and a larger “playground” focused on connec...