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Covid19: Digital PR skills necessary for PR Pros survival

COVID-19 has imposed on PR pros a retreat of sorts, and with many clients dormant, an opportunity arises for recalibrating and refreshing extant skills and cultivating new processes. Isaac Newton purportedly invented calculus and solved the riddle of gravity in the mid-1600s as he left Trinity College for his family’s estate in the country to escape the bubonic plague. The tale implies that in the COVID-19 world, the rest of us should achieve great things in isolation. In other words: “Get to work, Lazy! Stop binge-watching Netflix!” Well, most of us aren’t Newton, and as the  The New Yorker   notes, Newton was already working on calculus, gravity and other revolutions before the plague. Newton didn’t invent or discover anything  because  of his isolation, but he did make great use of his time.  As many of us have lost clients—health clubs, restaurants, auto manufacturers, hotels—and can no longer host or attend events, we can use...

Covid19 Vaccination: Can PR Help Nigerian Govt?

There are wild crises awaiting any govt backed or led Covid19 Vaccination in the world. Mention the word and see the reaction.  European Pharmaceutical Review(EPR) Nigeria is not expected to buy into another developing country's curative measures for popular and infamous reasons. As with HIV, no Western country will censor a cure. So, poorly led Nigeria will not even consider a cure. It means they will herd everyone to a compulsory vaccine, by the books of WHO and/or the West. That is the only destiny left for this pandemic. Physical distancing is doing a good job, but reinfection remains a possibility. Ask Paulo Dybala. Whether the vaccines are deadly or life-saving we do not know, cannot tell until millions have been vaccinated. But this is where Public Relations professionals come in. Leaderships of countries should seek out the right hands in every unit of professional service needed for this war. And that includes the Communication sector. They should be en...

10 Digital Marketing Tips For Small Business Owners

The proliferation of digital marketing and social media resources has made it easier than ever to pitch to Main Street--without Madison Avenue budgets. Source; Tech next Mickey Mantas, ‎global agency and partner education consultant at LinkedIn, says these options let you be selective in how you spend digitally, and only "build a presence on the platforms that best represent you and your company." Don' t think of it as a one-time campaign; it'll evolve and grow as your business does. Chase assembled a panel of digital marketing experts—from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Yelp—to help you plan your 2017 social campaigns. Here are some of their suggestions: Go mobile : We consume virtually all information on-the-go, so your marketing platform should be "mobile-centric" instead of just "mobile-friendly." Messaging that isn't designed for mobile access and search will be less valuable in 2017. Create compelling content: Our attention...

Three Digital Marketing Trends To Focus On In 2020

As we enter 2020, marketers and business owners must prepare for upcoming digital marketing trends. The landscape of marketing is constantly changing, and if you don’t keep up, you’ll miss out on ways to bring your business to new heights. Source; Unsplash Forward-thinking strategies will drive traffic to your website, grow your email list, generate sales and bring customers back again and again. Imagine if marketers used the same approaches they used decades ago. They wouldn’t be able to appeal to their target audiences, and their businesses surely wouldn’t thrive off of old procedures. Keeping up with the trends is important if you’re going to advance your business and market to consumers the way they want. Here are three digital marketing trends businesses need to pay attention to in 2020. Improved Customer Security Customer security has always been important, but as technology advances, it’s becoming more of a determining factor for customer purchases. If consumers fe...

How To Use Social Media To Supercharge Your Inbound Marketing Strategy

When properly utilized, a well-designed social media marketing campaign can be a powerful lead. Few marketing buzzwords seem to elicit more attention than social media. That’s because when a social media campaign is creative and well-executed, it can prove a powerful addition to your marketing arsenal. Social Media icons But with so much competition for attention, ever-adapting algorithms and costly marketing mistakes, many have a difficult time generating a significant return on investment from social media. Yes, social media marketing can be rife with pitfalls—but it’s also packed with potential. This became abundantly clear to me when I interviewed Florian Sussbauer, a social media systems guru and one of Germany’s top experts in building and scaling agencies. During our conversation, we talked about how social media can be used to significantly supercharge any company’s inbound marketing campaigns. You just have to utilize it to your own advantage. Content Is Every...

How To Successfully Combine Digital And Offline Marketing Strategies

Offline marketing often seems like a risky proposition for e-commerce companies. Today, everything is tracked, measured, analyzed, and organized. Clicks are counted, and page views are neatly displayed on spreadsheets. Source; Indeed Magnus To put money behind a marketing channel where results are difficult to track seems strange, or even foolish. Yet I’d argue that offline marketing channels have plenty of potential in the digital age. While you can’t get immediate stats on the exact number of clicks and conversions, as you would with a Facebook ad, these efforts can be just as effective. You simply have to invest the proper amount of time and resources. You also want to be open to trying new channels because you don’t really know what’s going to work until you give it a shot. It's best to be agnostic when it comes to the digital/non-digital divide. If you take a consistent and patient approach when trying new offline channels, you’ll almost certainly end up finding ...

Major Digital Marketing Trends Redefining Retail Banking

Financial marketers will have to make the customer experience their number one priority if they hope to beat back the fintech threat. Traditional banking providers will need the right resources — a combination of both talent and bigger budgetary investments — to leverage data and personalize the customer journey, otherwise, fintech challengers could win consumers' hearts... for good. Can traditional financial institutions rise to the challenge and pull it off? A study from Adobe and eConsultancy shows that senior-level decision-makers in the banking industry have finally woken up to the threat that fintechs represent, and now concede that everything today — from marketing to the customer experience — revolves around digital channels. According to a study from Adobe, the proportion of financial services companies that viewed themselves as advanced in terms of digital maturity nearly tripled from 7% in 2016 to 19% last year. That’s a huge improvement, but there’s still work t...