I don't care to know if this letter/speech was real or not. It doesn't have to be real for the content to be believable. Every day, blacks and Africans seem to be in perpetual slavery. Via the Economy, international politics, diplomacy, civilization and so on, it is increasingly confirmed that we have willingly submitted to slavery. The same principle for taking slaves of individuals in the days of slave trade is still used for taking slaves of entire nations today: 'make the slaves sell themselves to you'. Is this not happening today in Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Kenya, Sudan etc? I do wish that Africans will read this letter below. The quote, "if you don't want a n**ger to find a thing, hide it in a book" seems like a stereotype. But it is a verifiable fact. We mostly don't enjoy reading. READ FULL TEXT OF 'THEY ARE STILL OUR SLAVES' HERE Now, let's read the Willie Lynch Letter: The Making Of A Slave! This s...
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