We don’t read, do we? Post a little thing on social, once it shows ‘continue reading…’ it is already boring to people, especially members of the 3 rd world. Unless it is about sensational topics like celebrity gossip, sex and the likes, it hardly gets impressive reads. Dear Nigerian, or should I say African, as long as we don’t take interest in healthy enlightenment, we will remain a 3 rd world race. And since there’s too much to read in too little time, we have to learn to speed-read. Remember this quote attributed to a certain Dee Lee; “if you don’t want a nigger to see this, hide it in a book”. FIND THE FULL TEXT OF THE LETTER HERE There is also this letter of a certain slave owner in 1712, who wrote about how to keep the black man in slavery. His name was said to be William Lynch, and here is the full text of the letter. I retitled it as How to know if blacks are still slaves, because if you read through it, you can tell if you’re still being en...
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