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San Bernardino Shootings and America’s New Style of Suicide

A young Muslim American couple, living the good life, husband earning nearly $6000 per month, enjoying a dream work environment and not known to have been in any altercations; suddenly storm a Christmas party at husband’s office armed for war. They gun down 14 and injure 21 leaving bombs planted everywhere to blow up expected multitude of first rescuers and survivors. Then they engage the police in a fierce gun battle ending up killed. All signs point to religious extremism, but America’s leaders tend to drag feet to conclusions . If this is not a terrorist act, it must be a flamboyant version of America’s new way to die: ‘Suicide by a cop’. The concept, according to an ex-convict, speaking to a CBN TV interviewer on Friday December 4 th , has become fashionable to some disoriented suicidal Americans. And why not, seeing the popular rise in American police brutality? Even though Tashfeen Malik and Syed Farook were not disoriented, they definitely were suicidal – and in a ...


Energetic singer, national anthem voice and much-sought event host, Freke Umoh has had another resounding year this 2015 by music industry standards. And he's been named in an Akwa Ibom State Government release today to feature in the 2015 edition of the Guinness World record winning Akwa Ibom Carols. Worl d's Biggest Gospel Concert Since breaking onto the national scene, he has had to work with an ever rising career along with a congested weekly schedule that career musicians aspire to. He has been on stage at the record biggest concert in Africa and the world's biggest in the gospel category for 2 years in a row - the Experience Lagos; besides performing at several editions of Nigeria's local mega-concerts: the Calabar Carnival, the Akwa Ibom 9,999 singers annual carol. Beyond the Nigerian shores, his distinctive set of vocal prowess, energetic performance and unique combination of the Ibibio art-form with contemporary praise and worship have enjoyed stage t...

Frank Edwards Surprises Assistant With Range Rover

He’s arguably Nigeria’s most successful gospel artiste sinc e this century began. Only fellow Christ Embassy lead singer Sinach probably surpasses his followership base. With several continental and national awards and nominations, however, Frank remains number one. Naij Music refers to him as “ Nigeria’s hottest gospel music artist ever ”. Well, the world is just realizing his worth; but there was someone who saw potential when he started out 5 years ago and that is Ezekiel ‘Ezzy’ T. Ezzy T was, according to Frank, already a career musician. When he learnt Frank was about to launch out, Ezzy decided to drop his ambition and serve Frank, as manager and assistant. At the time, Frank says he had nothing but the ability to feed himself and – we add – the superstar potential. Ezzy saw well and invested early. Well, the Rock Town boss was going to give his Range Rover 2012 and Mercedes to his parents as an end-of-year present when, according to him God   reminded ...

25 Images To Show How Creative Indians Can Be

Take your time off the ba d news of Isis attacks; bomb raining on Syria an d Iraq; Trump's comments; Audu's unsuccessful attempt at ressurrection; Nigeria's Minister of Petroleum, Muhamma d u Buhari attend ing Gas summit in Iran - an d admire these creative Ind ian hustlers.

African Chefs, Beware of Wheat

Father of 19-year-old Lauren Davis, Tennis world No 70, Dr William Davis, a cardiologist who wrote a foreword to Novak Djokovic ’s book ‘Serve To Win’ , has written broadly about the health dangers of eating modern wheat - which he considers the product of “genetic manipulations by geneticists”. African chefs, seeking to replace more starchy staple foods with wheat should find this disconcerting. Ulcerative colitis, acid reflux, abdominal stress and rheumatoid arthritis are some of the problems eating wheat can cause as identified by Dr Davis. As if those three are not bad enough, he adds that wheat can lead to paranoia, schizophrenia and autism. He says that eating wheat “has the potential to cripple performance, cloud mental focus, and bring a champion to his knees”. A second glimpse at Novak Djokovic’s trending diet-of-a-champion reveals a deliberate exemption of this silent health slayer called Wheat. Meanwhile, medical studies are on-going to determine if Wheat also ca...