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TOP 20 PROBLEMS WITH BEING AKWA IBOM’S NEXT GOVERNOR Maybe this is a letter to whosoever aspires to govern Akwa Ibom state next. But it may not make sense to you the 3 r d party reader until you’ve been to Akwa Ibom state of late, an d you saw the place couple of years back . Especially if you’ve also seen other states in Nigeria – in the last, say, 20 years. And then if you consider that Nigeria’s politicians represent the most selfless-less of our fraudulent sub-community, you will easily appreciate that there are problems with becoming governor over a people who are becoming acquainted with visible (palpable, see-able, feel-able) development. These days, on visiting some cities in Nigeria, you want to run back to Uyo – that’s more of a confession to me than a testimony. And, yes, that’s what Akwa Ibomites are feeling like right now. If your greed, as aspiring governor, is worse than feared, these problems will mostly likely become curses for your diet. That’s why I...

" I was kidnapped by Boko Haram at Chibok" true life story of the Chibok girls

She saw more men coming to the gate. “Get up!” they shouted, “Get up and follow this road!” They are not going to let us go. Endurance stood up and said a prayer: “God give me direction of how to get back home. I am not scared.” As the girls walked out of the gate, they were still linked. Endurance put one foot in front of the other, her eyes open, her mind clear. She focused on walking, one foot, then the other. They were careful to stay together in their web of hands — girls linked to girls linked to girls linked to God. The main dirt road was wide, but hundreds of girls were walking together, placing one foot in front of the other as they had been ordered to. Endurance could see girls spilling over onto the side and into the bush. Boko Haram gunmen had them corralled like a frightened, stumbling herd. Continue reading here...


It’s been announced that Nigeria is Ebola free. I believe this is a success accredited to the Nigerian government; truth is, they’ve made it a priority and responded aggressively to the threat Ebola posed. However, more than that it is a miracle. I had a little experience that gave me worrisome thoughts when I fell ill and was tested for Ebola –   if this was how Ebola was being contained in Nigeria, a miracle was what we needed. READ ON...


UDEME UMO: THE REMNANT OF JOURNALISTS WHO FOUGHT Journalism keeps you out night and day There was a time when all hope was lost concerning the restoration of the rule of Law in this Nigeria. There had been a civil war; hope for inclusive economic development was gone forever; numerous coups had taken place, 7 of them bloody; high profile assassinations were no longer news; there was no hiding place anymore for civil rights voices – still there was a remnant of journalists who dared the “all-powerful” military government with the untainted truth. Few they were; and even fewer survived, while an embarrassingly few are remembered today. Udeme Umo is one. How many people claim to have fought for the democracy of Nigeria? Numerous. Hilarious; Politicians, Diplomats, Unionists, Civil Rights activists, Religious leaders, Lawyers, media men, and even some in the same military. If we adopt their definition for the word;”fight”, then they probably did, yes. Anyways, though we ...