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UDEME UMO: THE REMNANT OF JOURNALISTS WHO FOUGHT Journalism keeps you out night and day There was a time when all hope was lost concerning the restoration of the rule of Law in this Nigeria. There had been a civil war; hope for inclusive economic development was gone forever; numerous coups had taken place, 7 of them bloody; high profile assassinations were no longer news; there was no hiding place anymore for civil rights voices – still there was a remnant of journalists who dared the “all-powerful” military government with the untainted truth. Few they were; and even fewer survived, while an embarrassingly few are remembered today. Udeme Umo is one. How many people claim to have fought for the democracy of Nigeria? Numerous. Hilarious; Politicians, Diplomats, Unionists, Civil Rights activists, Religious leaders, Lawyers, media men, and even some in the same military. If we adopt their definition for the word;”fight”, then they probably did, yes. Anyways, though we ...