Hello Ladies, do you know that with just one beautiful picture you can win N50,000 quick and easy in the Face of H!nteractive online contest? Yes you can! All you need to do is grab your form for just #1,000 from Monday April 24, 2017, and you are on your way to winning the cash. Upon purchase, completion and return of the form, you will mail your best picture to us via info@Hinteractiveng.com. Your picture will be published with those of other contestants on our Facebook page. After it has been posted, you will get your friends on Facebook to like your own picture. First to get 3000 likes wins the money. Note however; the people liking your picture must also like the H!nteractive page, else SUCH VOTE MAY NOT COUNT. So, get your friends to like your picture as well as the H!nteractive Nigeria page on Facebook to be on a safer side. Automated likes and any kind of foul play will attract disqualification, without notice. From April 24th, Pick up form at 19 Udi Street Uyo fo...
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